float: left
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
and a left-to-right language direction.
float: right
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
and a left-to-right language direction.
float: inline-start
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
float: inline-start
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
and a right-to-left language direction.
float: inline-end
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
float: inline-end
and writing-mode: horizontal-tb
and a right-to-left language direction.
float: inline-start
and writing-mode: vertical-rl
float: inline-start
and writing-mode: vertical-lr
float: inline-end
and writing-mode: vertical-rl
float: inline-end
and writing-mode: vertical-lr
Photo by Rachel Kelli on Unsplash.