Testing selector support with @supports

Text reads @supports selector()

While updating the Conditional CSS chapter of CSS Master, I encountered a new-to-me feature of the CSS Conditional Rules Module: the selector() function.

You may be familiar with the Conditional Rules Module, the specification that defines, @supports and the CSS.supports() API. With @supports, you can add CSS rules that the browser applies only when it supports a particular property and value. For example, you might add styles that only apply when the browser supports masonry layouts for CSS Grid.

@supports ( grid-template: masonry / repeat(6, 1fr) ) {
  .grid {
    display: grid;
    gap: 1rem;

    /* Short hand for grid-template-rows / grid-template-columns */
    grid-template: masonry / repeat(6, 1fr);

The level 4 draft of the Conditional Rules specification extends the @supports rule so we can also conditionally apply rules based when the browser supports a particular selector.

Selectors Level 4, for example, added an optional, of S clause to the definition of the :nth-child()/:nth-last-child() pseudo-classes. To date, however, few browsers support it. Using the selector() function with @supports lets us apply CSS in those browsers that do.

@supports selector( path:nth-child(2 of .hex) ) {
  path:nth-child(2 of .hex) {
    fill: magenta;

The selector() function accepts a selector as an argument. As with other @supports conditions, you do not need to enclose it in quotes.

Browser support for selector() is widespread and implementations are pretty consistent across browsers, even though the specification is a work in progress. Whether you need to use the @supports selector(), however, is a tougher call.

According to the rules of CSS parsing and error handling, browsers ignore rules that they don't understand. If a browser doesn't support a selector, the ruleset won't be applied. With that in mind, you may find it more useful to use @supports selector() with the negation keyword to apply styles when a selector is not supported.

@supports not selector( path:nth-child(2 of .hex) ) {
  path:nth-child( 3 ) {
    fill: magenta;

Testing selector() support with DOM Scripting

The @supports at-rule has a corresponding API, that you can also use with the selector() function.

const supportsOfS = CSS.supports( 'selector( path:nth-child(2 of .hex)' );

When using selector() with CSS.supports(), enclose the entire clause in quotation marks. Otherwise the script parsing engine will misinterpret selector as a JavaScript function. You'll get a ReferenceError.

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